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[TENTATIVE] ILC Dads' Brunch
Enjoy brunch with other ILC Dads in the Chelsea neighborhood.
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Enjoy brunch with other ILC Dads in the Chelsea neighborhood.
Enjoy brunch with other ILC Moms in the Chelsea neighborhood.
We invite you to join us for our annual Fall Friendsgiving Potluck Celebration which will allow us to gather, share a meal together as a community, and spend time with one another while expressing our gratitude to Allah SWT for all of the bounties He has bestowed upon us.
This enrichment trip gives students in grades K-3 the opportunity to make a hands-on connection to what they are learning about Allah's Creation (including nature and animals) as well as science/ayaat in the Qu'ran.
Islamic Learning Center of New York City, PO Box 1842, New York, NY 10113